You Will Get There.

Seriously, you will. If you’re reading this, there’s a reasonable chance that you’re in a long distance relationship. The more I look into the phenomenon, the more I realise how widespread it is, and how varied. A lot of LDR couples are parted by job moves across the US, or college moves, or family ties. … More You Will Get There.


Well, that was interesting. A whole day without Skype. Anyone who followed the titular hashtag on Twitter will know what happened: lives were destroyed, civilisation crumbled, the world split apart and disintegrated into so much space-dust. Miraculously, I seem to still be alive, but it was an enlightening experience. Tina struggled more with the initial … More #SkypeDown


In an earlier post – the first one, in fact – I briefly mentioned the absence of touch and body language, before skipping away to other things as if the subject was a rarely worn hoody thrown into that cupboard that I’ll get around to sorting through any day now (you know the one). If … More Contact

Tools of the trade

Communication. If there was one word that sums up what you need to make a long distance relationship work, that would be it. Communication is a huge factor in all ‘normal’ relationships (what shall we call them? short distance relationships? non online relationships? monolocational relationships?) and as a long distance couple you are deprived of certain … More Tools of the trade